A complete list of Sustainability studies at UCPH
We have put together a course mapping to gather courses and programmes related to the sustainability field—all in one place. However, this list is no longer complete, as the University of Copenhagen has decided to close the Sustainability Science Centre (SSC) and reallocate its resources.
We want to make it as easy for you as possible, to navigate sustainability studies at UCPH. That is why we have put together a course mapping, to gather courses and programmes related to the sustainability field - all in one page. The courses are categorised under the Sustainable Development Goals which they relate to. Therefore you may find that some courses are listed under multiple goals. Moreover, the courses are divided into Bachelor or Master’s program courses, and ordered according to which block or semester they are taught in. Some courses may be taught in Danish, or have specific admission requirements, all which will be noted in brackets next to the course name.
Please note that the courses are taught and administered under individual faculties, and thus the Sustainability Science Centre carries no responsibility for admission or course content. When clicking the course, you will be redirected to the online course catalogue. For further information on the course, please contact the relevant Study Board or Course Coordinator.
Click on the Sustainable Development Goal which you are interested in, and find relevant sustainability related courses for you!