Webcasts from plenary sessions
On this page, you can relive the plenary sessions as well as the opening and closing sessions of the Congress.
Content of the page
- Opening Session, Part 1, 10 March 2009
- Opening Session, Part 2, 10 March 2009
- Plenary Session, 11 March 2009
- Plenary Session, 12 March 2009
- Closing Session, 12 March 2009
Note on format: The webcasts are available in Windows Media Video-format. If you don't have a player for Windows Media Video, you can download VLC media player (available for Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, many Linux distributions, etc.).
Opening Session, Part 1, 10 March 2009 10.30-12.00
Chair: Professor Ian Chubb, ANU President & IARU President
- Professor Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen (presentation)
- Mrs. Connie Hedegaard, Danish Minister of Climate & Energy (speech)
- Mr. John Ashton, Special Representative for Climate Change, United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (presentation)
- Professor Qingchen Chao, Deputy Director General, Department of Science & Technology Development, China Meteorological Administration (presentation in PPT | speech in PDF)
Opening Session, Part 2, 10 March 2009 13.30-14.40
Chair: Professor Richard Levin, President, Yale University
- Mr. Helge Sander, Danish Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation (speech)
- Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman of the IPCC (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
- Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (presentation in RAR | presentation in PDF)
Plenary Session, 11 March 2009 9.00-10.15
Chair: Professor Michael Grubb, University of Cambridge
- Professor Nebojsa Nakicenovic, The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Vienna University of Technology (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
- Professor William D. Nordhaus, Yale University (speech)
- Professor Daniel Kammen, University of California - Berkeley (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
Plenary Session, 11 March 2009 15.45-17.00
Chair: Professor Martin Parry, Grantham Institute and Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
- Dr. Balgis Osman-Elasha, Higher Council for Environment & Natural Resources (HCENR), Sudan (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
- Professor Amanda Lynch, Monash University (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
Plenary Session, 12 March 2009 9.00-10.30
Chair: Mrs. Ulla Tørnæs, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation
- Professor Diana Liverman, Oxford University (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
- Professor John Schellnhuber, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & visiting professor at the University of Oxford (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
- Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Closing Session, 12 March 2009 15.50-17.10
Chair: Prof. Will Steffen, Australian National University
- Professor Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen (presentation in PPT | presentation in PDF)
- Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Former Danish Prime Minister
UN Conference on Climate Change
COP15 was the UN Conference on Climate Change held in Denmark, December 2009.
The Danish government handed over the results of the scientific congress to decision makers at the COP15 conference.
History of the Congress
The Climate Change Congress has already been held, but the long road to the Congress is still of interest and these pages can help you in your efforts on creating a comprehensive overview of the process. Moreover, you will be able to find some general information about the Congress and its output.
Mission Statement
"Climate change represents a clear and unprecedented challenge for human society. This symposium focuses on providing a synthesis of existing and emerging scientific knowledge necessary in order to make intelligent societal decisions concerning application of mitigation and adaptation strategies in response to climate change. The symposium aims to identify and synthesise the science, technology and policy advances required in order to ensure sustainability of global communities in the current and coming decades".