GRANT 2024.12.18 We hesitate with energy-efficient solutions - economist aims to discover why Associate Professor in economics Christina Gravert will uncover the psychological barriers…
APPOINTMENT 2024.12.18 Experienced leader to head Department of Sociology Bjarke Oxlund is the new Head of Department of Sociology. He comes from a position as Dean at…
FOOD 2024.12.13 How chemical reactions deplete nutrients in plant-based drinks A University of Copenhagen study of plant-based drinks reveals a common issue: they are lacking in…
GRANT 2024.12.12 Media portrayals of climate advocates to be explored New research project from the Department of Political Science will investigate who speaks out in th…
Glacier flood 2024.12.11 One of world's largest glacier floods triggered in Greenland For the first time, scientists have observed the release of a massive glacial lake outburst in East…
Grant 2024.11.26 Economist wants to shed light on corporate waste How is a company's waste production and recycling affected by owners, managers, employees and…
FOOD 2024.11.20 Researchers eliminate the gritty mouth feel: How to make it easier to eat fiber-rich foods Fiber is something that most of us get far too little of. To change that, we need to actually enjoy…
Gut bacteria 2024.11.13 Children's gut bacteria may hold the key to diarrhea treatment Diarrhea claims the lives of 500,000 children each year in low- and middle-income countries. Now,…
DOGS AND WHALES 2024.11.08 SUND receives DKK 15M for sustainable development research in the Arctic Three SUND research projects receive funding from DFF to strengthen sustainable development in the…
citizen science 2024.10.28 High school students promoted to real researchers Besides helping to collect samples or spot butterflies for research projects — non-professionals ca…